The product is administered via the drinking water. Medicated water should be made up immediately prior to provision. Medication of the water supply should be continuous during the treatment period and no other source of water should be available. The product should be given over a minimum period of 6 hours per day to allow all birds to drink.
Poultry and Turkeys : The dose rate is 10 mg/kg bodyweight daily for 3 to 10 days.
Each ml contains 100 mg enrofloxacin. Calculate the daily quantity (ml) of product required for treatment period as follows :
Total number of birds x Average body weight in kg x 0.1 = Total volume (ml) per day
The product may be put directly into the header tank or introduced via a water proportioner pump. For the treatment of salmonellosis or pasteurellosis a treatment period of 5 to 10 days must be used. For other conditions the duration of treatment may be 3 to 5 days.